Recent and Upcoming Events

Upcoming Seminars
November 10, 2010
"Intellectual Origins of a Tortured Japan-Asia Relationship: Japanese Asianism in the Early Twentieth Century"
by Yukie Yoshikawa, Reischauer Center

Monograph Just Published:
"The Politics Of The Futenma Base Issue In Okinawa: Relocation Negotiations In 1995-1997, 2005-2006"
by William L. Brooks

"Japan's Asianism, 1868-1945: Dilemmas of Japanese Modernization"
by Yukie Yoshikawa

To receive invitation email or information regarding the seminars, please contact Program Coordinator,

Past Events
Past Seminars

November 4, 2010
"Decoding North Korea"
by Bradley Martin, Veteran Journalist

October 28, 2010
"Evolving Japan's Security Policy Infrastructure"
by Yuki Tatsumi, Stimson Center

October 13, 2010
"The Making of Northeast Asia"
by Kent Calder, Reischauer Center, Min Ye, Boston University

September 16, 2010
"Burma and U.S.-China Relations"
by Quansheng Zhao, American University

May 25, 2010
"The Emergence of Multi-Polar Asia: Implications for Security, Economy and Energy"
by Norihiko Saeki, Reischauer Center and METI

May 17, 2010
"The Politics of Base Relocation in Okinawa: The Futenma Negotiations, 1995-1997, 2005-2006"
by William Brooks, Reischauer Center

April 15, 2010
"Edwin O. Reischauer and the American Discovery of Japan"
by George R. Packard, United States-Japan Foundation and Former Dean of SAIS and the Reischauer Center

April 12, 2010
"Japan’s Liquidity Trap: Price Level Targeting as the Answer"
by Katsuhiro Oshima, Reischauer Center and Mitsubishi Research Institute

April 5, 2010
"What Were “The Secret U.S.-Japan Nuclear Pacts”?
~Reexamination from the American Point of View~"
by Toshimitsu Kishi, Reischauer Center and Mainichi Shimbun

March 30, 2010
"Toward a Low-Carbon Society: The Role of Nuclear Power"
by Eiichiro Ito, Reischauer Center and Tokyo Electric power Company

March 23, 2010
"Central Asia's Oil and Gas Sector Since the 2008 Financial Crisis: The Rising Role of China"
by Hirokazu Saito, Mitsubishi Corporation

March 8, 2010
"Outlook of the Japanese Economy and the Hatoyama Administration"
by Naoki Kobayashi, Koki Sakano, Atsushi Sugita, and Takuya Kobayashi, The Japan Center for Economic Research

February 17, 2010
"A Journalist's Perspective on U.S. Public Diplomacy: The Obama Administration and U.S.-Japan Relations"
by Keiichi Tanaka, Reischauer Center/ NHK

February 16, 2010
"Global Challenge in Space Policy: Possible Cooperation between the U.S. and Japan"
by Norihiko Saeki, Reischauer Center/ Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan

January 6, 2010
"Japan's Energy Policy Status and Issues"
by Tokio Kanoh, Member of the House of Councilors, Japan

December 2, 2009
"The Mass Media and the U.S.-Japan Relations"
by Bill Brooks, recent Director, Translation Services in US Embassy in Tokyo

November 16, 2009
"Is Japan Turning European?: Inertia and Change in Japan's Climate Change Politics"
by Yves Tiberghien, Faculty Associate, University of British Columbia

November 5, 2009
"Environmental Issues and the US-Japan Security Relationship”
by Shigefumi Matsuzawa, Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture and
Hirokazu Nakaima, Governor of Okinawa Prefecture

October 14, 2009
"What Does ‘A More Equal Alliance’ Mean for the U.S.-Japan Relations?”
by Kuniko Tanioka, Member of Japan’s House of Councilors in the Diet,
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)

October 13, 2009
"China's Persian Gulf Dilemma and Deepening Relations with Iran"
by John Garver, professor, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Flynt Leverett, director of Iran Project, the New America Foundation
and Hillary Mann Leverett, CEO, Strategic Energy and Global Analysis
co-hosted with New America Foundation

September 30, 2009
"Pacific Alliance"
Kent Calder, Reischauer Center

September 1, 2009
"Japan’s Historic General Election: Implications for US-Japan Relations"
Kent Calder and Amb.Rust Deming, Reischauer Center

For the audio, click here.

April 30, 2009
“Japan, America, and the Global Financial Crisis”
by Katsuhiro Oshima, Reischauer Center and Mitsubishi Research Institute

April 23, 2009
“Pacific Alliance” Publication party and Seminar commemorating the publication in both English (Yale University Press, May 2009) and Japanese (Wedge Publishing, November 2008).

The reception followed, attended by both Reischauer Center researchers and a broad range of invited guests.

April 9, 2009
“Post-ODA Development Finance: Empowered Citizen’s Initiative and New Types of Public Private Partnership”
Mitsuhiro Maeda, Reischauer Center and METI

April 7, 2009
"US-Japan Relations in Global Context: SAIS Perspectives” (Copies of the SAIS U.S.-Japan Yearbook to be distributed)
Kent Calder, Rust Deming, Eiichiro Ito, and Lauren Witlin, Reischauer Center

April 2, 2009
“Japan and the Global Financial Crisis”
Richard Katz, Oriental Economist Report

March 31, 2009
"International Peacekeeping and Human Security: Lessons from Africa for Asian Forces"
Simon Reich, Director of Division of Global Affairs, Rutgers University

March 24, 2009
“Japan's Parliamentary Confrontation on National Security Policy”
Professor Tomohito Shinoda, International University of Japan

March 5, 2009
“Challenges, Changes, Chances”
Ichiro Fujisaki, Japanese Ambassador to the United States

February 11, 2009
“Pan-Asianism in Modern Japan: The Case of Naito Konan (1866-1934) and The Eastern Cultural League”
Demin Tao, Kansai University

February 5, 2009
"Global Financial Crisis and East Asia: Testing the Regional Fianncial Architecture"
William W. Grimes, Boston University

Other Events

October 14, 2010
Edwin O. Reischauer: In Commemoration (1910-2010)
Panel Presentation and Reception

February 12, 2010, Kent Calder Recieved Academia Award
Kent Calder received Academia Award from the Academic Society of Japan for his contribution to the study of the US-Japan Alliance and propagating the traditional Japanese culture, at Kyoto.

January 12, 2010, Joint Seminar with Kyodo News Agency
Reischauer Center and Kyodo News Agency have co-sponsored a symposium, commemorating 50th anniversary of the revised US-Japan Security Treaty, titled "Deepening Alliance: Japan-U.S.: New Governments and New Relations." The guest speakers included Koichi Takemasa, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Akihisa Nagashima, Parliamentary Defense Secretary, Taro Kono, Director General of the International Bureau of LDP, Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki, Executive Vice President, the Sojitz Reseach Institute, Michael Auslin, Director of Japan Studies, AEI, and Kent Calder.

Details can be found here.

November 24, 2009, Reischauer Center's 25th Birthday Reception
In commemoration of its activities for 25 years, the Reischauer Center held a birthday reception at the Roppongi Hills Culb, Tokyo.

June 25, 2009, Congressional Testimony by Kent Calder
Kent Calder made a congressional testimony before House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Sub-committee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment, titled "Japan's Changing Role." (pdf file is available here)

December 1, 2008, Publication Party for Kent Calder’s "Nichibei Domei no Shizuka naru Kiki" (Japanese version of "Pacific Alliance")
In commemoration of the publication of Director Kent Calder’s major book on the US-Japan alliance, in Japanese, the Reischauer Center held a book party at the Roppongi Hills Club, Tokyo.

August, 2008, Tokyo Publication Party for Kent Calder's "Beigun Saihen no Seijigaku" (Japanese version of "Embattled Garrisons")
In commemoration of the publication of this major work on comparative host nation politics toward foreign military baese, the Reischauer Center held a publication party at the Roppongi Hills Culb, Tokyo.

April 18, 2008, Memorial Tea Service, U.S. Naval Academy
In April 2008, the Reischauer Center held a Memorial Tea Service at the U.S. Naval Academy, presented by Dr. Sen Genshitsu. This historic event – the first tea ceremony ever held at the Academy’s historic Memorial Hall – was co-sponsored by the U.S. Naval Academy and the Reischauer Center. It was followed by a moving address to the Academy’s midshipmen and faculty by Dr. Sen, a veteran of the Japanese World War II kamikaze corps, regarding his own personal experiences, together with a plea for American leadership in the cause of world stability and peace.

October-November 2007, Publication Parties celebrating Han Seung-soo’s memoir of his experiences as President of the U.N. General Assembly, "In the Shadow of 9/11"
The Reischauer Center celebrated with three major receptions the publication of the first volume in its new Asia Pacific Leadership Series – In the Shadow of 9/11, by Dr. Han Seung-soo, who four months later became prime minister of the Republic of Korea. The Center held celebratory receptions in Tokyo, New York, and Washington, D.C. Dr. Han and his wife Sonia were present to greet guests at each. In Tokyo, Dr. Ogata Sadako; Ambassador Yu Myung-hwan (later Korean Foreign Minister); and GRIPS President Hatta Tatsuo delivered remarks, with Grandmaster Sen Genshitsu presenting a toast. In New York, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who noted that he had served as Special Assistant to Dr. Han on five occasions, was the featured speaker. In Washington, D.C., former U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills, Dr. Han’s counterpart during his days as Korean Trade Minister, delivered remarks.

May 2007, Historic Tea Ceremony on Capitol Hill
In May 2007 the Reischauer Center co-hosted the first traditional Japanese tea ceremony (ocha kai) ever held on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, jointly with the U.S. House of Representatives International Relations Committee. At the main hearing rooms of the Committee, Grand Master Dr. Sen Genshitsu, lineal descendent over fifteen generations from Sen no Rikyu, the founder of the Japanese tea ceremony, served tea to a distinguished group of Americans and Japanese, including International Relations Committee Chairman Tom Lantos; Ranking Minority Member Ileana Ross-Letinen; Japanese Ambassador Ryozo Kato; Deputy Chief of Mission Akitaka Saiki; and Urban Institute President Robert Reischauer, son of the late U.S. Ambassador to Japan Edwin O. Reischauer. The event was covered by six Japanese television networks, and major print media from both the United States and Japan.

November 2006, Tokyo Annual Reception
In November 2006, the Reischauer Center invited more than 130 guests, including researchers, policy makers, corporate executives, and donors to the reception. Followed by the welcome greeting by Kent Calder; U.S. Ambassador Thomas Schieffer; Akira Chihaya, Chairman, Nippon Steel Corporation; Akira Kojima, Chairman, Japan Center for Economic Research; Yuriko Koike, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for National Security Issues, and others gave congratulatory tributes.

Ambassador Thomas Schieffer

Yuriko Koike, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister